Friday, June 19, 2015

#Motorcycle Mahem On #Wisconsin Roads

We have a big problem on Wisconsin road ways; about 28 motorcyclist fatalities already this year, automobile drivers do not watch out for motorcycles.

I took 25 years off from riding motorcycles. I used to ride all the time. Recently I purchased another bike. Since last riding the cell phone has come into every car. The usual applying makeup is still here along with eating breakfast and lunch behind the wheel. Cars are driving faster even the speed limits are going up. A recipe for disaster.
This is just the beginning of what motorcyclist see, what car drivers do not know is a good motorcycle driver has spidery senses, we have to see and hear and smell our surroundings like Spider Man. We see you not paying attention to the road.

All we want is to be seen and given the space we are due. Cars do not do this. (In general) yes a very few do give the space we deserve.

Please put down the phones and make-up and food and what ever, put two hands on the wheel, pay attention and drive.

Now I'm going to talk to bikers, WEAR A HELMET! Are you stupid? 50% of cycle fatalities the rider isn't wearing a helmet.

The other thing is get your M motorcycle endorsement on your license, about 50% of fatalities are bikers riding with temps only, Wisconsin cut back on behind the wheel testing at all DMVs'  for motorcycles, sometimes we go 80 or more miles to find a DMV that does motorcycle road tests. Stupid.

Bikers on a Harley or Sport Bike are our family members. Please give them some extra room. Please.