Saturday, June 23, 2012

Flashback->Is Paul Ryan really being vetted?

So there have been reports of @RepPaulRyan being vetted by the Romney team for the VP spot. Some people say this is just a diversionary tactic to get the opposition off track. That may be true, but I'm sure Paul isn't the only one being vetted. Oh and does he really have to be vetted? Give me a break- this man has been  examined by so many people over the years who have tried to dis-credit him in every way possible, that the  notion of finding something in his past that hasn't been turned up already is pure non-sense.

Paul is a Wisconsin Hero, we love him, just the mention of  Paul Ryan to many of my female Conservative friends causes them to become weak in the knees! ;) And for us guys, we can relate to him because he is no different than us, trying to do the best for our families and kids. Paul Ryan is real.

Over the last two years I've spoken to Paul specifically about the VP position, although it was as VP to @SarahPalinUSA. The first time I talked to Paul was two WI GOP State conventions ago, at that time Sarah was still weighing her options to run for POTUS.

At the Friday night fish-fry, Paul says to me "Hey Lichter, what happening?" I said oh I'm helping Jonathan Steitz run against the do nothing senator Wirch, and later on I'd like to introduce you to Jonathan. Then I said "but more importantly check out my new business card that Dave Westlakes' company made for me. It was my WI Organize4Palin card. Paul looked at it and commented on the Tag line "Get your Grrrr on!" flipped it over, read the back, and said "That's cool!"
I came right back and said "Do you know who her VP is going to be?" Paul says, "no, who?" I replied right back, "You." He gestured with his hand up to his ear like a telephone, "She hasn't called me yet." I smiled and took that as a non denial.

Later on that year at the Rock County pic-nic I saw him again. This time also talking to his Janesville staffer Susan, I said "Susan, give me something to bring back to my O4P team, do you think Paul would accept VP with Sarah Palin, she said, "Bill I can tell you this, They have talked."  

Finally last year in July, during the height of the #OccuTools protests was the Walworth County, Lady Of  The Lake boat cruise on the Gorgeous Lake Geneva. Paul and his wife Janna, were there with all the kids.
Because I had already had this conversation with Paul, I didn't want to beat a dead horse, plus there were so many others on board who hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Paul as much as I had, I really only talked to him in passing up and down the skinny stairs that lead from the air conditioned lower deck to the open upper deck where we were all taking pictures and video of the now named #Occutools protesting from the kayaks and speed boats. No I'm not making that up. One word, pathetic. Any way, I did have a lot of time talking to Janna as we both sat in the lower deck and sucked up the air conditioning, this was a 100 degree sweltering heat day in Wisconsin. Oh by the by, Janna is one down to earth awesome woman. and a great mom. As usual at the time I always had my Sarah Palin lit with me, and was looking for a smooth way to give a piece of  it to Janna. In conversation she also asked what I was up to, told her about Jonathan, then about Organize4Palin. I told her I thought Sarah would turn this country around if elected POTUS, etc etc. then I went on to ask her, "Do you know who the VP is going to be?" she said "No." I said "Paul Ryan, do you know him?" she smiled and laughed, and said, "That would be OK with me."

So fast forward to #WI post recall. If Romney wants to win, he must take #WI, what better way to insure that than by picking our friend @RepPaulRyan as his VP. Bravo Mitt!!

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