Saturday, June 30, 2012

Is #ObamaTax = 1 million ReCall Signatures

Q. is the #ObamaTax = "1 Million ReCall Signatures Against @GovWalker" - I know you are already getting the gist of my point/question and I could just say yes and leave it at that, but let me expand.

I admit to being very proud of my state and #MyGovernor. The right minded people of #WI stood up and showed the nation and the world that if the weight of the future of our kids is thrust upon the people of #WI we will do the #WIRight thing.

The nation and the world watched #WI by an overwhelming vote give @GovWalker and @RebeccaForReal the #ReWin that they and we deserved. If you take Dane County (Madison) and Milwaukee County out the equation the numbers were a mandate. #WI was sick and tired of the bullies / spoiled toddlers #wiunion with their loud, mean, evil tactics trying to get their way just because. Talk about sore losers, {Are you starting to see any paralells yet to the Oblahblah administration and their enablers}

Well what I see going on around us, #WI,  is activists in other states trying as hard as they can to get #Palin type and "approved" citizen legislators elected, to impliment "Sudden and Relentless Reform." Just like #MyGovernor did.

This movement is going to work, we have the momentum that is needed to get all the down ticket citizen legislators elected, this won't be easy but we can do it. We must play by their rules. **That is why today when I saw a tweet telling the DeomcRATS / #WIUnion ista's about three fund raisers for Tammy Baldwin, who by the way is the Dem. candidate for the US Senate seat being opened up by Herb Kohls' retirement. I called for protestors {yes from our side} to be at these events just like they have protested every event our side has had since the day after @GovWalker was elected. Oh what a concept, can you imagine how this would baffle them and throw them off of their ground game, they wouldn't know how to react, but I know how they would react and so do you. They will throw a friggin tantrum! Exactly! that is why we must start to play by their rules. If we don't we will continue to lose just like we did in the 21st Senate District.

If @VanWanggaard 's team would have played by their rules as was suggested by a good friend of mine, we wouldn't be in this #RacineReCount mess.

If your #SMH with me then I emplore you to help fight this #WAR.

Back to the answer to my Q. Yes - the people of the nation have witnessed #WI stand up to the bullies and prove that you can "Stand Up To A Bully!" and #WIN.

I have no doubt that the USA will rise up and protect our children.

In the famous words of a great patriot and Hero Todd Beamer "Let's Roll!"


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Flashback->Is Paul Ryan really being vetted?

So there have been reports of @RepPaulRyan being vetted by the Romney team for the VP spot. Some people say this is just a diversionary tactic to get the opposition off track. That may be true, but I'm sure Paul isn't the only one being vetted. Oh and does he really have to be vetted? Give me a break- this man has been  examined by so many people over the years who have tried to dis-credit him in every way possible, that the  notion of finding something in his past that hasn't been turned up already is pure non-sense.

Paul is a Wisconsin Hero, we love him, just the mention of  Paul Ryan to many of my female Conservative friends causes them to become weak in the knees! ;) And for us guys, we can relate to him because he is no different than us, trying to do the best for our families and kids. Paul Ryan is real.

Over the last two years I've spoken to Paul specifically about the VP position, although it was as VP to @SarahPalinUSA. The first time I talked to Paul was two WI GOP State conventions ago, at that time Sarah was still weighing her options to run for POTUS.

At the Friday night fish-fry, Paul says to me "Hey Lichter, what happening?" I said oh I'm helping Jonathan Steitz run against the do nothing senator Wirch, and later on I'd like to introduce you to Jonathan. Then I said "but more importantly check out my new business card that Dave Westlakes' company made for me. It was my WI Organize4Palin card. Paul looked at it and commented on the Tag line "Get your Grrrr on!" flipped it over, read the back, and said "That's cool!"
I came right back and said "Do you know who her VP is going to be?" Paul says, "no, who?" I replied right back, "You." He gestured with his hand up to his ear like a telephone, "She hasn't called me yet." I smiled and took that as a non denial.

Later on that year at the Rock County pic-nic I saw him again. This time also talking to his Janesville staffer Susan, I said "Susan, give me something to bring back to my O4P team, do you think Paul would accept VP with Sarah Palin, she said, "Bill I can tell you this, They have talked."  

Finally last year in July, during the height of the #OccuTools protests was the Walworth County, Lady Of  The Lake boat cruise on the Gorgeous Lake Geneva. Paul and his wife Janna, were there with all the kids.
Because I had already had this conversation with Paul, I didn't want to beat a dead horse, plus there were so many others on board who hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Paul as much as I had, I really only talked to him in passing up and down the skinny stairs that lead from the air conditioned lower deck to the open upper deck where we were all taking pictures and video of the now named #Occutools protesting from the kayaks and speed boats. No I'm not making that up. One word, pathetic. Any way, I did have a lot of time talking to Janna as we both sat in the lower deck and sucked up the air conditioning, this was a 100 degree sweltering heat day in Wisconsin. Oh by the by, Janna is one down to earth awesome woman. and a great mom. As usual at the time I always had my Sarah Palin lit with me, and was looking for a smooth way to give a piece of  it to Janna. In conversation she also asked what I was up to, told her about Jonathan, then about Organize4Palin. I told her I thought Sarah would turn this country around if elected POTUS, etc etc. then I went on to ask her, "Do you know who the VP is going to be?" she said "No." I said "Paul Ryan, do you know him?" she smiled and laughed, and said, "That would be OK with me."

So fast forward to #WI post recall. If Romney wants to win, he must take #WI, what better way to insure that than by picking our friend @RepPaulRyan as his VP. Bravo Mitt!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Racine 21st Senate Dist. Recount Day 1

UPDATE: I've got the answer, this recount is machine because it isn't state wide and the machines have enough memory cartridges, for the state wide Prosser recount the state wouldn't have enough memory cartridges to handle the data, so to keep it consistent they had to do hand recount.

Racine Recount Day 1 21st Senate Dist. Wanggaard vs Lehman - I worked the Prosser recount through its entirety, and they are doing the Senate recount differently. In the Prosser recount they seperated all the Prosser and Kloppenburg ballots into seperate groups. Then they counted each group, and tallied the votes like this Kloppenburg 1077- Prosser 1450. and wrote these numbers down Ward by Ward all 64 of them.

 In the Wanggaard recount they are counting the ballots and reviewing them but they aren't seperateing them into two groups like they did in the Prosser recount. After they are counted and reviewed they are rerun through the voting machine, like you will see in the video I'll post here

These video are from earlier in the day, Ill try to put the earliest first etc.

I have a couple more video but I'm going now to try and find the reason why the Prosser recount was conducted differently ie separating the ballots into two categories

I have a request in to find out why the two different ways of recount- no reply yet..Stay Tuned

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Enter The T.E.A. Party

Just a quick fun picture as a reminder that the T Party was becoming a force to recon with.
If you think you know who I think this picture reminds me of please take a minute to post in the comments.

Meeting Rebecca

Meeting Rebecca is a "Big F$#@ Deal" as Joe would say. After my elbow tap at Fall Fest 2009, and asked to keep the fact that Becky, (I can now call her that) was dipping her toe in the political water, we were entering into the Governor and Lt Governor race. I was also starting to be more involved in campaigns. I was asked by our local county GOP to be on Scott's Racine Steering Committee. Racine was also starting the Pints and Politics.

 As the campaigns were picking up momentum the "events" were also revving up. I took a drive up to Cedarburg to watch a Lt. Governor debate. The debate was between 4 candidates, Brett Davis, the GOP chosen candidate, Ben Collins former Green Beret Officer, Dave Ross Mayor of Superior and Rebecca Kleefisch. Becky wiped up the floor with the these guys. She had the the command of the topics in detail that the "Guys" couldn't touch. Her delivery and command of the mic was off the charts. I knew at that time I wanted to be on her Team.

I met her campaign Manager and a friend of hers at the debate. We hit it off. Being the techie that I am (sarcasm) I had entered Becky's contact info into my phone. I was sitting at my desk in my home office one day and my phone rings. I looked at the caller ID and to my surprise it reads, Rebecca Kleefisch. Hi It's Bill- "Hi Bill this is Becky Kleefisch, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my Outreach Coordinator for my Campaign?" ....I paused and thought for about one second and said, "Yes."                                                                                                                                                                

Little Did I Know

Little did I know that early in the morning September 11, 2001 when 19 hijackers took control of 4 commercial airliners would lead me to June 5 2012. That day I was driving to the office in Pewaukee to send out a shipment of Ink Meters and filters the the "Bureau Of Engraving And Printing" in DC. My at the time 4 year old son was riding with this day.

As we were about half way to the office we heard on the radio the horrific news. As we ran up the stairs a few minutes after 9:00am to see the second plane hit the South Tower I instantly knew we were under attack, It was a gut reaction that brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my stomach. I told my self that instant that I would fight this battle and do what ever I could so my son wouldn't have to.

 About a year earlier I started to get involved in local politics by doing doors and handing out lit for my Rep. Robin Vos and at the time County Exec. Bill McReynolds. My first poll watching assignment was the 2000 Presidential election Bush v. Gore LOL - Just thinking back what a blessed country we were to have George Bush as our POTUS at the time of the 911 attacks.

So back to the poll watching assignment, I'm not saying I'm a know it all techie but I have tried to stay up with the latest gadgets. I had a PalmPilot the cool one that went on the Palm network. Where is this all going you are wondering, well in 2000 the poll watchers were given PalmPilots, the one that you could beam info back and forth. As the voters would come into the poll location and check in at the book with the Blue Haired Old Ladies, we would scroll through the data in the Palm and check off the voters name, the GOP voters were in the palm. Every hour or so Bill Folk would come around and beam our info into his PalmPilot and then go back to HQ and determine who hadn't voted yet and volunteers would call them and GOTV. Pretty cool idea. The bad part of this story is as the PalmPilot died so did the GOP procedure. I wonder why we don't employ these cool technology driven procedures today.

 I continued to volunteer for the Racine GOP more and more, I met Lou, little did we know at the time we would have a child in the same class at St. Rita. The friends I have made in the Racine GOP have become like family, we dont always agree but we are on the same mission, to make this country a better and safer place for our kids. Now fast forward to September 2009, I was at Fall Fest at Brighton Woods Orchard, (side note, where Fall Fest IMHO should still be held, but I guess we out grew the location and with that and a whining {whine [hwahyn, wahyn] verb, whined, whin-ing, noun: a whining utterance, sound, or tone. A feeble, peevish complaint.} liberal neighbor maybe we did have to move the location.) Little did we know that whining was the bigging of much more crying from LWNJ's.

 Anyway while at Fall Fest I find myself standing next to someone I knew was famous and gorgeous, I acted like I knew who she was and tapped elbows with her and whispered, "What are you doing here?" You know me I was all cool and stuff. She hands me her Business card and It had her picture on the left and name on the right with all the contact info including social media info for facebook and Twitter as well as LinkedIn. She said, "Some people are telling me I should run for Lt Governor, so I'm checking out the competition. Keep it a secret, as I'm not announcing, just checking out the idea." this was the Fall Fest where the at the time Governor and Lt Governor candidates were just starting to hit the campaign trail. They all spoke this day, Scott Walker, Mark Neumann, Brett Davis, Ben Collins, etc. Reince also spoke at this event. [to be continued]